Thursday, June 16, 2011

15 days :)

assalamualaikum..hai..:)  ari nie kre ari yg ok jgak laa untk aku...n i got my full result today..hooyyeeaaahh...p bkn elok ngant result tu..urmm pe2 pon aku dpt tmpt ke 13 drpd 25 org..ok laa tu an2..hehe..ok2 actually rmai jgak laa aku tgk org post blog gne 15 days challenge trmasuk laa kwmku ini nur izyan..hehe n mnde nie pon cam mnarik mnat aku post jgak laa..hehe

1. introduce yourself
2. explain your current relationship status
3. if you could only have on wish, what would it be?
4. if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5. the most amazing thing that ever happen to you?
6. your bestfriend (s)
7. choose lyrics and explain why do you choose them
8. if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
9. someone you look up to
10. your family
11. google the meaning of your name
12. a famous person you've been compared to
13. something that puts a smile on your face no matter what
14. what are you afraid of
15. describe where you live

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